Mar 21, 2014

Hair Loss Condition: Traction Alopecia at a Glance

From hippy plaits, preppy ponytails, classic braids, chic buns, to punk rock Mohawk, there’s no question that hairstyles—like elaborate dresses, trendy shoes and elegant bags—are part of fashion and beauty.  True enough, hairstyle fashion is one aspect of personal grooming that people take into great consideration. 

Traction Alopecia
Millions of people especially women, young or old, are known for changing hairstyles without even knowing that some of these styles may cause hair loss. 

Known as traction alopecia, this type of hair loss occurs as a result of repeated pulling of the hair. The pulling forces applied on the hair during harsh brushing or tight hairstyling are the causes of traction alopecia. Traction alopecia or scarring alopecia is more common among children, teens and young adults.  It usually affects the areas around the edge of the hairline making the hair loss noticeable around the face and the forehead. This is also characterized by red bumps, infections, papules and pustules. 

Besides tight hairstyles, another cause of traction alopecia is over-using of hair products with certain chemicals (dyes, bleaches, and strengtheners) and thermal treatments (hair irons, curlers, and blow dryers). The chemicals present in these products are harsh for the hair making them brittle, fragile and weak while the heat from heating hair tools may be harmful to the hair shafts causing them to break out easily.

Moreover, people who attach hairpieces on their hair and don’t bother to remove them for long periods of time may also suffer with this type of hair loss. Traction alopecia occurs gradually and in most cases it’s reversible. However, severe forms of traction alopecia may cause permanent hair loss. 

Read More on :  Features of the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Traction alopecia can be stopped if it is diagnosed at an early stage. People who are suffering from this condition should take immediate action and consult a doctor as soon as possible to prevent its progression. Aside from that, tight hairstyles that put extra pressure on the roots of the hair causing them to break out should be avoided at all cost. Hair loss sufferers should also switch to loose and gentle hairstyles that are not harsh on the hair follicles.

These are simple hair care tips, which only require a little effort on your side to prevent experiencing traction alopecia. Some traction alopecia patients expect quick results once they have stopped doing tight hairstyles. This would not be the case since it takes several months or years for the hair to recover from this severe hair loss condition. 

The best way to treat hair loss related to traction alopecia is with the help of a strict hair care regimen and avoiding hairstyles that are too tight. Once the causes and factors that contribute to this type of hair loss are remedied, you will eventually see that your hair is going back to its natural hair growth cycle.

 Leimo Hair Regrowth is the world-leader in home-based Hair Regrowth treatments and is on a mission to help millions of people put hair loss behind them. Regrow your hair today in the privacy and convenience of your own home and join our other satisfied users. You deserve it!

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