Getting thin or going bald is very hard for women to deal with. Also, did you know that hair loss happens as much in women as it does in men? What are some of the causes of this hair loss?
For men, you know there is male pattern hair loss. And women have the same condition, and it’s called female pattern baldness. It’s not same as androgenic alopecia, but it’s similar to it. For women, the main difference is pattern of hair loss. In men, this condition hits in specific places first and then stretches out to other areas of the scalp. What is seen in women is the thinning out all over the top.
You can say the distinction for women is that there’s really no distinct pattern.
The primary cause of thinning and baldness in women is alopecia areata. Surprisingly, it’s a disorder of the the autoimmune system. But you cannot detect this by yourself. You have to get a diagnosis by a doctor. Should you notice that your hair is thinning, then go see your doctor about that. Yet there is good news to this story because it is a condition that can be treated. Since it is autoimmune related, then that is why it can be treated. When you see your doctor, you’ll be given a way to treat it that will work best for you.
Certain chronic illnesses can cause, in addition to their other symptoms, women’s hair loss. Sometimes this depends on the types of medications that you are prescribed to counteract the effects of these illnesses. In other situations, if there is hair loss involved it is a symptom, and that will help the physician make a diagnosis. As you can imagine, very often the chronic illness will last forever and throughout the remainder of the person’s life.
The situation is usually one in which there is management of any symptoms with medication, and there is no cure for it. As is often the case, here, the hair loss has to be endured because the medication needs to be taken. You do have options in the area of coping with the hair loss, and there are some options for you – just talk to your doctor. There are lots of reasons that a woman might lose her hair. There are environmental, emotional, and physical scenarios and reasons. As always, only a medical professional, your doctor, can find out the real reason for your condition. Whatever the cause, they will help you to find out for sure what it is.
There are always options available, and what they are will depend on what exactly is causing your hair problems.
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